Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts

Video: Taming The Alaskan Hummingbird

"The Shot"

I was captivated by this stunning video of a Hummingbird feeding off someone's hand. It was a beautiful moment detailing the trust the bird had in that person.

You can read about the story behind the shot here if you are interested.

Watch the video below.

Videos: The Etiquette Of Texting While Walking

Exactly my pet peeve!

Have you ever been annoyed, at one time or another, by someone in front of you who's walking and texting at the same time?

Urgh! Don't you wish you could shove that person out of your way?

This is especially frustrating when you are pressing for time.

As the video explains, it is plain inconsiderate and potentially dangerous!

Move to one side when you need to text so you do not delay the person walking behind you.

Singaporeans Are Miserable, Smelly, Un-helpful, And Rude?

We found the city heavily polluted, way to (sic) crowded, un-charistmatic, bland, and basically a complete waste of time. We concluded that in Singapore there is nothing worth seeing, the temples were un-memorable and crammed inbetween the busy streets, not worth a visit! [via]

Before we get all defensive, remember MP Baey Yam Keng's teachings?
 We need to reflect upon ourselves, are we the way they described?  [via]
So, are we really what the tourist has made us out to be?

Food for thought?

Video: I Wanna Be A Greedy Corrupt Official When I Grow Up

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

香港人大战内地人 Hong Kongers VS PRCs

孔庆东的衰样… 叫谁看了都想揍!





Burger King Discriminates NS Men?

 I was at Burger King's Facbook page and came across this allegation by "BusNo64" made against it's Filipino store manager at their Tampines North Community Centre outlet.

WARNING: Coarse language used here

my niece is working as a part-time crew on weekends in burgerking tampinese north cc outlet.....dis is wat she told me dis morning while havin lunch with her family.....

BK employs lots of fucking pinoys and there is one particular fucking male pinoy shift mgr at her outlet who is damn kuailan and cheehong...always try to get fresh with the female crew members.....yesterday there is this open mobilisation, and one the male crew member was he inform dis fucking pinoy shift mgr that he got to report back to camp...KNN the fucking pinoy then chastise him for not giving him notice earlier...the make crew member then told him he did inform the restaurant mgr last month about it....the fucking pinoy shift mgr then borpian let him go...afterwards, dis fucking pinoy shift mgr was heard telling other staffs that employing male sinkie crew can be very troublesome as they need to go for army not to employ niece was veri mad and told the pinoy mgr dat national service is compulsory and all male citizens need to do their duty...but guess wat the pinoy shift mgr say to her ???

"I am now also a singapore citizen, but i no need to do any national no big deal right? "

my niece hear oredi damn tulan but since she is planning on quitting after CNY, so she did not argue further....

KNNBCCB, why we give this kind of fucking pinoy foreigner bastard citizenship without any NS??????

[via BusNo64 Sammyboy Forum]

Blog Action Day 2011: Food

I have been trying hard to come up with a title for this post but seriously, my mind just went blank after watching this video.

Would you eat something that has been discarded by others?


Well, I wouldn't do it myself and yet, there are people who actually depended on these food scraps just to survive!

What do you think of that?

Please spend a few minutes to view this award winning video (while I go grab a piece of tissue).

This video is a wake-up call to all of us and it gives me the opportunity to reflect how good I have it better than these people.

Pinoy Making A Mockery Of Singaporeans?

By now, you would have learned about the MP who was caught texting on her mobile phone while the National Anthem was playing during NDP 2011.

Ms Penny Low, MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC has since apologized on her Facebook.

Looking through the various NDP photos posted on her Facebook, I believe she was just trying to upload 'live' updates of the parade to her fellow residents via the social media tool and does not really mean to show any disrespect.

At least, that is what I chose to believe.

However, that is no excuse to not pay full attention during such a solem moment. We have all been in school long enough to know the proper posture to display.

A Letter For My Nation: Why Do I Serve?

Dear Singapore,

When I went to BMT many years ago, my PC asked us this question: "Why do we serve?"

Hands began going up into the air and several answers given by the recruits but non of the replies seemed to impress him much.

Throwing up his arms in despair (ok, I made that one up), this was what he said to us, "This, is YOUR country; YOUR territory. Here is where YOUR home, YOUR property, and all YOUR loved ones are. If YOU don't protect her, WHO will?

His answer hit me in the face like a wake-up call. As I lay in bed that night, I keep repeating that answer to myself, "If I don't, WHO will?"

There were plenty more to what my PC said earlier that day under the training shed but these are the most impactful words from him which helped me to survive my two years of conscription.

Boys like me, who had been forcefully taken away from our comfort zone the moment we turned eighteen years old were thrown into a unfamiliar environment where the toughest training awaits.

Of course, there were good times and not-so-good times. At times, when the training gets a little too tough, I would remind myself of the reason why I served.

The Worst Is Over...

This has been a most depressing week.

Mum was hospitalized and I have been with her at the hospital for the past few days.

I feared that I would lost her for good seeing how frail and sickly she has become.

Fortunately, she was getting better after surgery and is now recuperating at home.

An Open Letter To Comfort Delgro Cab

To Whom It May Concern,

On Wednesday (May 11, 2011) afternoon, my Mum was gravely ill and at the advise of the polyclinic, I had to rush her to the A&E Department of the Singapore General Hospital immediately.

We waited for a long time by the roadside but not a single empty cab was in sight.

For the next hour (yes, that is how long we have been trying to flag for a cab), I managed to flag down three empty blue Comfort cabs at three different locations but sadly, all three drivers rejected our hire upon learning the destination.

The Comfort cabs in question were 4535, 5919 and 6536 (I could not remember their taxi prefix).

The driver of 6536, in particular, gave us a wave of his hand before stepping on the accelerator and sped off laughing.

This is disgraceful.

Your drivers' lack of compassion and sympathy seriously astounds me!

The reason why I did not book a cab earlier was because I did not expect it would take us that long just to get us one cab to the hospital.

We finally found one willing to take us within five minutes through booking.

I guess I have only myself to blame for not booking a cab instead so that your mercenary drivers could earn that extra $2.50 booking fee from me.

When we finally did get to the hospital, my Mum had to be hospitalized immediately for treatment.

I hope your drivers understand that someday, their loved ones could be in the same predicament and it would be a shame if something deplorable were to happen just because help was not rendered in time.

The Bunny Is Out Of The Bag


To A Certain Big Organisation Out There...

A service breakdown occurs when the expectations of a customer are not met.

When this unhappy customer feedback to you, it goes to show that he is giving you the opportunity to make things right.

Adopt a Bunny @ Downtown East! No fee payable.

2011 March 28: Updates from AVA and Downtown East
(scroll to the bottom please)

Will The Real Samantha From Holland Village Please Stand Up?

(91.3FM has removed the audio)
I bet all the Samanthas staying in Holland Village are cursing away right now.

Apparently, we heartlanders were deemed too uncultured to step foot in Holland Village and that we should just "stay where we fit best" (in our own heartlands)!

If you still have not heard about it, "Samantha" called in 91.3FM, during The Married Men on Wednesday morning to rant about us, 90% of the Singapore population for visiting her estate in "shorts and slippers and weird colored hair".

The Story Of Dead Cockroach


I am Dead Cockroach, DC for short.

I am here to share with you how my online moniker, "Dead Cockroach" came about and of all things, why a cockroach?  

(OK, I get that question quite alot so I thought I might as well share my story here once and for all!)

It all happened years ago when I was signing up for a blog account. I was asked for a username and my mind was a blank.

Now, what should I call myself?

Something macho like TheMuscleGuy? Or something cute like TheFlabbyTummy?

To spare myself the agony over which nick to choose, I decided to just select whatever image that pops into my mind first and if you guessed it correctly, it is a cockroach.

To be frank, I am rather terrified of this filthy little thing myself. So much so I wished they were all dead!

Hence, "Dead Cockroach" was born.