Showing posts with label wth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wth. Show all posts

Video: Abuden

How often have you encountered people asking you the obvious? Well, I get that all the time!

Sometimes, it can be funny yet at times, it could be downright baffling!

I guess asking the obvious is how some people break the ice when they have nothing else to start a conversation with?

What do you think?

Video: How To Feed A Difficult Baby

For most parents, I guess one of the most challenging task faced while raising a child has got to be during feeding times.

The child would be running all over the place and the poor parents would be trailing behind trying to get him/her to eat another spoonful.

However, parents now no longer have to be tormented by this problem.

Here's introducing a way how you could feed your child effortlessly!

Do give this unique way of feeding a try to see if the little tyke would comply?

Remember to share this method with your friends and leave me a message if you are successful!

Video: Walao Eh

Walao eh!

It is a term so familiar with Singaporeans and Malaysians alike.

This expression is so versatile that you can use it in almost any occasion!

Just under what circumstances will you say "Walau eh"?

Singtel MIO TV Hiccups

Lao Li is pissed

An enormous public outcry erupted among football fans here in Singapore when intermittent "freezing" of the TV screens interrupted their game during the English Premier League (EPL) match last night.

Singtel MIO TV, who own exclusive broadcast rights to air the EPL were bombarded with hundreds of angry comments on their Facebook wall.

Singtel announced that subscribers to MIO TV's online package were not affected [link].

This is utter bullshit.


This "frozen" screen problem is affecting ALL the channels on MIO TV. I am not a subscriber of the sports channel yet, I have been plagued by the same problem ever since subscribing to some of their movie channels. 

Transvestite Show, Hat Yai *Videos*

After we returned to the hotel from the [Floating Market], some of them went out for more shopping while some of us proceeded to watch the Transvestite show.

There was nothing sleazy about it like I had thought initially. It was more like a cabaret show with elaborate costumes, stage design, plenty of lip-synching and dancing.

Cameras were not allowed but people still take photos anyway so I joined in too albeit discreetly without flash.

Do Not Google For Trypophobia!

Before you read further, answer this question truthfully: "Do you feel like scratching your scalp raw after seeing the following picture?"

This was what a friend of mine posted on Facebook the other day and my entire body broke out in hives immediately. 

If you are feeling unnerving like me, then you probably have Trypophobia.

Video: Bruce Lee - Be The Water

Now I fully understand why Bruce Lee had to go "WATER" whenever he fights.

He is truly the legend.

Video: Guard Dog Killed By Delivery Man

A guard dog in Taichung, Taiwan dies after being kicked repeatedly by a delivery man!

Surveillance footage shows Liu, a delivery man, attempting to strike the dog, "Little Tiger" with a box in a threatening manner even though the dog was waving his tail - a sure tell tale sign of his friendliness.

Alarmed by Liu's sudden gesture, "Little Tiger" began prancing around the deliveryman and following him about.

Make It Right For A Better Ride

Giving up space to another makes for a pleasant ride

Being a frequent public transport commuter, I do have my fair share of grouses and horror tales (of inconsiderate behavior) to tell.

However, among all the annoying traits that I have come across on the train, nothing irritates me more than having someone reading the newspapers near me!

Video: Taming The Alaskan Hummingbird

"The Shot"

I was captivated by this stunning video of a Hummingbird feeding off someone's hand. It was a beautiful moment detailing the trust the bird had in that person.

You can read about the story behind the shot here if you are interested.

Watch the video below.

Videos: The Etiquette Of Texting While Walking

Exactly my pet peeve!

Have you ever been annoyed, at one time or another, by someone in front of you who's walking and texting at the same time?

Urgh! Don't you wish you could shove that person out of your way?

This is especially frustrating when you are pressing for time.

As the video explains, it is plain inconsiderate and potentially dangerous!

Move to one side when you need to text so you do not delay the person walking behind you.

Singaporeans Are Miserable, Smelly, Un-helpful, And Rude?

We found the city heavily polluted, way to (sic) crowded, un-charistmatic, bland, and basically a complete waste of time. We concluded that in Singapore there is nothing worth seeing, the temples were un-memorable and crammed inbetween the busy streets, not worth a visit! [via]

Before we get all defensive, remember MP Baey Yam Keng's teachings?
 We need to reflect upon ourselves, are we the way they described?  [via]
So, are we really what the tourist has made us out to be?

Food for thought?

Video: I Wanna Be A Greedy Corrupt Official When I Grow Up

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

港人登报反蝗虫海报 Ad calling PRCs 'locusts' runs in Hong Kong

获选刊登「反蝗虫」 海报


香港高登讨论区发起登报行动,共同集资约10万港元以狮子山为题材,制作了「反蝗虫海报」 -  暗指中国大陆客是蝗虫来侵占香港资源。

Kong Qing Dong, a University Professor in Peking has riled millions in Hong Kong after criticizing Hong Kong citizens as "dogs", "bastards" and "thieves" on an online talkshow.

In retaliation, netizens from Hong Kong Golden Forum funded a full page advertisement on Apple Daily - branding the PRCs as locusts for infiltrating Hong Kong and exhausting all her resources.

香港人大战内地人 Hong Kongers VS PRCs

孔庆东的衰样… 叫谁看了都想揍!





Video: 还僵尸男原貌!Go Beyond The Cover!

化妆品品牌Dermablend Professional最近找来加拿大男模Rico Genest为旗下化妆品拍摄了一支广告。





原来,男模外号叫僵尸男,也叫Zombie Boy。




Burger King Discriminates NS Men?

 I was at Burger King's Facbook page and came across this allegation by "BusNo64" made against it's Filipino store manager at their Tampines North Community Centre outlet.

WARNING: Coarse language used here

my niece is working as a part-time crew on weekends in burgerking tampinese north cc outlet.....dis is wat she told me dis morning while havin lunch with her family.....

BK employs lots of fucking pinoys and there is one particular fucking male pinoy shift mgr at her outlet who is damn kuailan and cheehong...always try to get fresh with the female crew members.....yesterday there is this open mobilisation, and one the male crew member was he inform dis fucking pinoy shift mgr that he got to report back to camp...KNN the fucking pinoy then chastise him for not giving him notice earlier...the make crew member then told him he did inform the restaurant mgr last month about it....the fucking pinoy shift mgr then borpian let him go...afterwards, dis fucking pinoy shift mgr was heard telling other staffs that employing male sinkie crew can be very troublesome as they need to go for army not to employ niece was veri mad and told the pinoy mgr dat national service is compulsory and all male citizens need to do their duty...but guess wat the pinoy shift mgr say to her ???

"I am now also a singapore citizen, but i no need to do any national no big deal right? "

my niece hear oredi damn tulan but since she is planning on quitting after CNY, so she did not argue further....

KNNBCCB, why we give this kind of fucking pinoy foreigner bastard citizenship without any NS??????

[via BusNo64 Sammyboy Forum]

Happy Thanksgiving!

The blogging mojo is gone.
Will return once it came back.

Blog Action Day 2011: Food

I have been trying hard to come up with a title for this post but seriously, my mind just went blank after watching this video.

Would you eat something that has been discarded by others?


Well, I wouldn't do it myself and yet, there are people who actually depended on these food scraps just to survive!

What do you think of that?

Please spend a few minutes to view this award winning video (while I go grab a piece of tissue).

This video is a wake-up call to all of us and it gives me the opportunity to reflect how good I have it better than these people.

Pinoy Making A Mockery Of Singaporeans?

By now, you would have learned about the MP who was caught texting on her mobile phone while the National Anthem was playing during NDP 2011.

Ms Penny Low, MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC has since apologized on her Facebook.

Looking through the various NDP photos posted on her Facebook, I believe she was just trying to upload 'live' updates of the parade to her fellow residents via the social media tool and does not really mean to show any disrespect.

At least, that is what I chose to believe.

However, that is no excuse to not pay full attention during such a solem moment. We have all been in school long enough to know the proper posture to display.