Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

The Amy Cheong Incident...

The repercussion from Amy Cheong's incident has set me thinking.  

Sometimes, words that come out of our mouth may inadvertently hurt someone without us realising even though the malice wasn't intended in the first place. 

While it is understandable to feel indignant by her offensive remarks (especially if you're a Malay), let's not get too personal over this. Retaliating with name-callings doesn't make us any holier than her.

There's no denying what she has done was indeed wrong, but I wonder have we Singaporeans over-reacted? I mean, is it really necessary to fire her from her job? Would a community work service have suffice?

Whatever the case, she has received her due punishment so let's be magnanimous and move on. 

The lingering shame and ridicule that she is going to live with should be punishment enough, yes?

Video: The Lorax OST - Thneedville

This is another song I like from The Lorax.

It is the opening song and if you listen to the lyrics carefully, it pretty much explains the situation in Thneedville which gives you a better understanding of the later developments in the movie.


Video: The Lorax OST - Let It Grow

I especially like this quote and soundtrack from the movie, The Lorax because it is a gentle reminder to the environmental issue that we have on hand.

Everyone plays a vital role in protecting this planet we call home and it is up to us to fight for it's well-being because we do not have an alternative planet to move on to should this one fails.

Please do not have that "but I'm just one person; it does not make any difference" mindset. If you think you are too small to make a difference, be reminded tha tthe ocean is made up of many drops of water!

No effort is too insignificant because everything adds up.

Many a little makes a mickle.

It is never too late to start caring for your environment today.

Movie: The Lorax

This movie is adapted from a children's book of the same title written by Dr. Seuss which was first published in 1972.

Perhaps it might be a little late to write a review for this animation now but I only got to watch it on cable last weekend and I must say I could totally relate to the storyline which brings forth a very strong message about the crisis that we are facing right at the moment.

The story revolves around twelve-year old Ted (Zach Efron), an ordinary boy living in the walled-up town of Thneedville where everything is artificial.

In this climate-controlled town, the air is not clean and the townsfolk had to buy bottled oxygen from Mr. O'Hare, the greedy proprietor of a bottled oxygen company and who's also the mayor of Thneedville. 

Trees had long been extinct and the only trees and flowers they had were all made of plastics.

When Audrey (Taylor Swift), the girl whom Ted is carrying a torch for wished nothing more than just to see a real, living tree, he spared no effort to sneak out of town in search of the legendary Once-ler (Ed Helms) who knows what exactly happened to the trees and most importantly, where to find one.

Video: Guard Dog Killed By Delivery Man

A guard dog in Taichung, Taiwan dies after being kicked repeatedly by a delivery man!

Surveillance footage shows Liu, a delivery man, attempting to strike the dog, "Little Tiger" with a box in a threatening manner even though the dog was waving his tail - a sure tell tale sign of his friendliness.

Alarmed by Liu's sudden gesture, "Little Tiger" began prancing around the deliveryman and following him about.

视频: 狗狗的悲歌 - 爱我就别弃养我








港人登报反蝗虫海报 Ad calling PRCs 'locusts' runs in Hong Kong

获选刊登「反蝗虫」 海报


香港高登讨论区发起登报行动,共同集资约10万港元以狮子山为题材,制作了「反蝗虫海报」 -  暗指中国大陆客是蝗虫来侵占香港资源。

Kong Qing Dong, a University Professor in Peking has riled millions in Hong Kong after criticizing Hong Kong citizens as "dogs", "bastards" and "thieves" on an online talkshow.

In retaliation, netizens from Hong Kong Golden Forum funded a full page advertisement on Apple Daily - branding the PRCs as locusts for infiltrating Hong Kong and exhausting all her resources.

香港人大战内地人 Hong Kongers VS PRCs

孔庆东的衰样… 叫谁看了都想揍!





Elephants Parade @ Orchard!

Elephants are one of the most beautiful animals around and I love how regal looking they are.

Unfortunately, many were being poached for their tusks or chained up to perform in circuses under deplorable living conditions.

The Elephant Parade is the world’s largest open air art exhibition of decorated elephant statues that seeks to attract public awareness and support for the Asian elephants conservation.

Blog Action Day 2011: Food

I have been trying hard to come up with a title for this post but seriously, my mind just went blank after watching this video.

Would you eat something that has been discarded by others?


Well, I wouldn't do it myself and yet, there are people who actually depended on these food scraps just to survive!

What do you think of that?

Please spend a few minutes to view this award winning video (while I go grab a piece of tissue).

This video is a wake-up call to all of us and it gives me the opportunity to reflect how good I have it better than these people.

The Bunny Is Out Of The Bag


Adopt a Bunny @ Downtown East! No fee payable.

2011 March 28: Updates from AVA and Downtown East
(scroll to the bottom please)



Pray For Japan

Let's keep Japan in our thoughts and prayers