Winter Solstice And End Of The World?

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!

Better known as Dong Zhi (冬至) here in Singapore, this festival is widely celebrated by Chinese everywhere.

“冬大过年”,Mum would say.

In fact, the significance behind Dong Zhi is much more important than the Lunar New Year but people nowadays do not bother with traditions and customs anymore.

Dong Zhi is the time of the year when families gathered to pray to their ancestors and to eat Tang Yuan (汤圆) which really sounds like "Tuan Yuan" (团圆/reunion). Because of it's round shaped, is also seen as a symbol of completeness for the family.

Dong Zhi is a little special this year as it happened to fall on the same day as the proposed doomsday.

Of course, the Mayans' prediction did not come true but the fact that it coincides with Dong Zhi made me appreciate the festival more as we had just 劫后余生。