The Japanese Occupation: Fall Of Singapore

Civilian War Memorial [via]

On February 15, 1942, the British surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army due to the shortage of food and ammunition.

Thus began the horrifying Japanese Occupation which lasted three years and eight months.

In February 1962 - twenty years after the war has ended, remains belonging to civilian victims of the Japanese occupation were unearthed. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce& Industry undertook the responsibility of gathering the remains and creating a memorial.

In February 15, 1967, the Civilian War Memorial was built and the remains were buried under it.

This monument is composed of four similar pillars, symbolizing Singapore's four major races.

On this day every year (also known as "Total Defence Day"), the Government would hold a memorial service to remember the thousands of people killed during the occupation.

Video: Elton John - Your Song

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Just ignore the KFC bits...

Video: The Malaysia I-City KFC Assault

[via malaysiakini]

A video footage of KFC staff assaulting its customer at I-City in Shah Alam, Malaysia has gone viral on the internet. 

In the video, three male staff stormed out of the counter and one of them was seen trying to hold back the other two from approaching the victim.

As more staff emerged from within, one of them suddenly dashed forward amid the confusion and punched the victim, causing him to fall onto a chair.

Rumors were rife that the victim had insulted the KFC staff with degratory words which led to the attack.

The victim, Danny Ng, held the press conference to clarify and deny allegations by netizens that the assault was due to him uttering vuglar and discriminatory words at the KFC staff.

While Ng admitted that he was angry and had shouted at the staff, he stressed he “definitely did not use vulgarities or make racial slurs.”  [via JakartaGlobe]

视频: 狗狗的悲歌 - 爱我就别弃养我








Video: I Wanna Be A Greedy Corrupt Official When I Grow Up

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

港人登报反蝗虫海报 Ad calling PRCs 'locusts' runs in Hong Kong

获选刊登「反蝗虫」 海报


香港高登讨论区发起登报行动,共同集资约10万港元以狮子山为题材,制作了「反蝗虫海报」 -  暗指中国大陆客是蝗虫来侵占香港资源。

Kong Qing Dong, a University Professor in Peking has riled millions in Hong Kong after criticizing Hong Kong citizens as "dogs", "bastards" and "thieves" on an online talkshow.

In retaliation, netizens from Hong Kong Golden Forum funded a full page advertisement on Apple Daily - branding the PRCs as locusts for infiltrating Hong Kong and exhausting all her resources.

Sentosa Flowers 2012: Enchanted Spring

By the time this post is up, I would have already visited Sentosa twice - the first time being the week before Chinese New Year and the second time during the annual Sentosa Flowers (圣淘沙春節花會).

I will be combining shots from both visits into one post. I have blogged about the Sentosa Boardwalk in the previous post. I shall now begin this post with entering Sentosa.