President Hotel, Hat Yai

*Recycled pic

While booking this trip, we were told by the travel agent that we would be staying at Lee Gardens Hotel. 

We could not be any happier as all who had been to Hat Yai before would know that the said hotel is situated at a centralised location surrounded by all the major shopping centres and night market.

Thus, imagine our bewilderment when the coach drove past Lee Gardens and all we could do is watch on in horror as we got driven further and further away until the hotel was out of sight

Tang Kuan Hill, Songkhla

Leaving Samila Beach, the coach made a few turns and before we knew it, we were already at the foot of Tang Kuan Hill. 

Remember the legend about the Mouse and Cat Island? 

This is the hill which the Dog turned into.

Where we are visiting is located right on the top of this hill and to get up there, we had to take a 3 minutes, 170m inclined-lift ride up where a breathtaking 360° panoramic view of Songkhla City awaits.

Samila Beach, Songkhla

Our first destination upon reaching Songkhla - a province in southern Thailand, was Samila Beach.

Residing here was one of the more famous landmarks in Songkhla - the bronze Mermaid. On this particular day, tonnes of tourists were waiting in line just to have a picture taken with her.

电影: 《东成西就 2011》

影 片 名:《东成西就 2011》
英 文 名:East Meets West 2011
类别 :喜剧/动作/爱情
导 演:刘镇伟
主要演员:陈奕迅 郑伊健 莫文蔚 苏永康 房祖明 锺镇涛 邓丽欣 谭维维 黄奕
本地发行商:Shaw Organisation

这部由刘镇伟执导,汇集了莫文蔚、陈奕迅、房祖名、锺镇涛等大牌明星的喜剧电影《东成西就 2011》将于本月08日正式上映。


Exercise Wallaby - Base Camp

Continuation from Week 2 [here]
Read about Week 1 [here] if you have not already read it.

So sorry this post is long overdued!

After two weeks in Shoalwaterbay, Exercise Wallaby is finally over!

It was hard work but friends made the days easier to past.

Just two days before we depart for Singapore, we had our R&R at Rockhampton town (Yeppoon, to be exact) but before I share about my R&R trip, I would like to bring you around Samuel Hill.

North Camp cookhouse

Movie: THE MUPPETS (2011)

Cast: Amy Adams, Jason Segel, Chris Cooper
Director: James Bobin
Genre: Comedy/Musical
Language: English
Release Date: 8 December 2011
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures

Its time to play the music
Its time to light the lights
Its time to meet the muppets on the Muppet Show tonight

Happy Thanksgiving!

The blogging mojo is gone.
Will return once it came back.