Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts

视频:My Astro 《开心过年》







视频:My FM 《团圆饭》


一阵阵米饭香 在飘扬 装满新年带来的温暖
那遥远的家乡 那扇窗 还留着儿时的模样
转运的风车 转呀转 一转眼我们都已成长
我把所有祝福 大声讲 朋友啊祝你新春吉祥
一人一个梦想 一人一个愿望 慢慢变成满天的星光
再刻一个梦想 再许个愿望 别怕我有宽大的肩膀

一顿团圆饭 心里藏 数十年温馨都一样
欢迎你共聚一堂 齐聚这圆圆的桌上
团圆饭 加碗热汤 就像有我在你身旁
化作一双大翅膀 带你飞越重重难关

一阵阵米饭香 在飘扬 装满新年带来的温暖
那遥远的家乡 那扇窗 还留着儿时的模样
转运的风车 转呀转 一转眼我们都已成长
我把所有祝福 大声讲 朋友啊祝你新春吉祥
一人一个梦想 一人一个愿望 慢慢变成满天的星光

再刻一个梦想 再许个愿望 别怕我有宽大的肩膀
一顿团圆饭 心里藏 数十年温馨都一样
欢迎你共聚一堂 齐聚这圆圆的桌上
团圆饭 加碗热汤 就像有我在你身旁
化作一双大翅膀 带你飞越重重难关

一顿团圆饭 心里藏 数十年温馨都一样
欢迎你共聚一堂 齐聚这圆圆的桌上
团圆饭 加碗热汤 就像有我在你身旁
化作一双大翅膀 带你飞越重重难关

视频:My Astro My FM 《大团圆》


说一声恭喜贺新年 迎接美好的新一天
人人在门前贴春联 欢迎春降到人间
游子们想念回家园 老老少少庆团圆
围一个圆圈在庭院 诉说每一段思念

新的一年 你我许心愿
期望新一年 会是丰收年
每一个人都身康体健 天天笑容满面

大团圆 大团圆 不管距离有多远
好朋友 在身边 我们约定这一天
大团圆 大团圆 手牵着手心相连
祝福你 福寿全 恭喜恭喜乐无边

视频:My Astro 《天天好天》


记得那一年 那一段岁月
一个小小的家园 天天都怀念
一杯白开水 也可以很清甜
一碗热情汤面线 是一种思念
心若能放开一点 路就宽一些
财富和幸福之间 还有知足作界线

一天天 一年年
不管天多高 路多远
是晴天 是雨天

记得那一年 那一段岁月
一个小小的家园 天天都怀念
一杯白开水 也可以很清甜
一碗热情汤面线 是一种思念
心若能放开一点 路就宽一些
财富和幸福之间 还有知足作界线

一天天 一年年
不管天多高 路多远
是晴天 是雨天

一天天 一年年
不管天多高 路多远
是晴天 是雨天

视频:My FM 《庆祝》


绽放了你的笑 来庆祝新年到
传统的佳节 你别忘了
在妈妈的怀抱 她哼的新春歌谣
每一字一句 还在耳边绕 

不管男女老少 接过了大红包
恭喜你祝福你 少不了
年初一到元宵 处处都是好预兆
吃口年糕 你我会步步高

春来到 画个圈圈做记号
每年都来团圆 好不好
相约好 从今以后直到老
来庆祝 来祝福

来庆祝 来祝福

Namewee: Thai Love Song


词: 黄明志 Namewee
曲: 黄明志 Namewee

来 美丽的女孩
Oh my pretty Thai girl
虽然我是大马的Bluechai (男孩)
Though I'm not a handsome Malaysian boy
但我爱吃Tomyam(东炎汤) 喝喝椰奶
I'm in love with tomyum and your coconut milk
我很愉快 因为约会你出来
I'm really happy that we're dating today

Kop Kun Kap (谢谢) 你是什么Cup?
How are you? What's your cup?
Sawadeecaap (您好) 就算是A cup
I don't mind even it's only A-cup
只要你能证明你不是Krak toei (人妖)
Just as long as you're not a man
看不出来 希望不要太见怪
Sorry but sometimes its hard to tell

但是我 不太会说Thai (泰语)
I can't understand Thai
只是偶尔 会跑去Hatyai (合艾-泰国地名)
But I love visiting Hatyai
So if you'd be my girl
我让你SameSame (一样) 每天都精采
I promise to make you happy everyday

你是我心中最Shuai Makmak(美丽)的女孩
You're prettiest girl in my heart
Here's a Rajapruek as sign of my love
I'll take you shopping at Pratunam
After that we'd pray at the temple for good luck

无可取代最Shuai Makmak(美丽)的女孩
You're prettiest girl in my heart
Believe me that my love is real
I can even do Thai massage for you
会让你身体健康Ao mai? (要吗?)
We can stay healthy together ok?

来 美丽的女孩
Oh my pretty Thai girl
虽然我是大马的Bluechai (男孩)
Though I'm not a handsome Malaysian boy
但我爱吃Tomyam(东炎汤) 喝喝椰奶
I'm in love with tomyum and your coconut milk
我很愉快 因为约会你出来
I'm really happy that we're dating today

So chill

Short Film: The Forgotten Child

The Lunar New Year is a time for family reunion.

During this period, people would spring clean their house and throw out junks they don't need.

But what happens when a family abandon a member just to make space for another in the new year?

Video: Long One Or Short One?

Which one do you want?

Namewee: Last New Year

Namewee's new year song "Last New Year" reminded me of my own maternal grandparents.

My Ah Gong was already gone way before my birth while Ah Ma followed suit not long after I was born.

The only impression I had of them is through a yellowed photograph which Mum has kept in the photo album.

As I have never experienced being doted on by them, I would be so envious whenever I see my classmates having a Ah Gong or Ah Ma to come pick them up from school.

Isn't it a bliss to have a grandparent to throw little tantrums to?

If your grandparents are still around, do learn to appreciate them before they are gone.

I know I will.

Short Film: Ka Fan 加饭

This is the story of a Mum who single-handedly raises her son by washing laundry for others.

Despite how busy she is, she would always make it a point to have her meals with her son everyday.

All she wants is just being able to spend more time with her son.

"Ka fan"?  she would often ask.

As years gone by, the child grew up.

With work and social life, it became his turn to be so busy that he hardly returns home for dinner.

Mum is then left to have her meals all by herself.

When the son returns home for the Lunar New Year, much to the delight of his Mum, he finally realised the meaning behind "ka fan".

Now, when was the last time you had dinner with your Mum?

Viedo: Barkour - Pakour For Dogs

Meet Tret, Jackie Chan Of The Canine World

Video: Give A Little Love

Giving a helping hand does not have to be made very complicated.

You can start doing so in your daily life by giving up your seat to someone more deserving; sharing your umbrella with someone on a wet day; or simply brighten up someone's day by sparing a thought for them.

If helping others could spread some warmth and happiness to your heart, why not?

How wonderful our world might be if we care a little more about the people around us?

Nick Pitera: Tribute To Disney's The Lion King On Broadway

The Lion King celebrates it's 15th year on Broadway this year and this is Nick Pitera's tribute.

Other than Nick himself, he has the main cast of the show making a cameo in his video!

In case you are wondering who's Nick Pitera, I have blogged about this talented youtube sensation, here before.

Video: The Magic Castle By Dong Woo Baek

Recently, I have fallen in love with this song "The Magic Castle" by Dong Woo Baek.

I got to know about this song while watching Qualifications of Men on KBS Channel when one of the participants they are auditioning for their choir sang this song.

Yes, Qualifications of Men is coming up with their third choir and the theme this time is "Family".

More on that later in another post, but first, let us enjoy this song "The Magic Castle" by Dong Woo Baek.

Video: Oppan Gangnam Style - Red Army Version

Totally wicked!

This Oppan Gangnam Style has really taken the world by storm. Not only is everyone making parodies of it, even Britney Spears tweets about it.

My favorite parody so far has got to be this Red Army version!

Video: The Lorax OST - Thneedville

This is another song I like from The Lorax.

It is the opening song and if you listen to the lyrics carefully, it pretty much explains the situation in Thneedville which gives you a better understanding of the later developments in the movie.


Video: The Lorax OST - Let It Grow

I especially like this quote and soundtrack from the movie, The Lorax because it is a gentle reminder to the environmental issue that we have on hand.

Everyone plays a vital role in protecting this planet we call home and it is up to us to fight for it's well-being because we do not have an alternative planet to move on to should this one fails.

Please do not have that "but I'm just one person; it does not make any difference" mindset. If you think you are too small to make a difference, be reminded tha tthe ocean is made up of many drops of water!

No effort is too insignificant because everything adds up.

Many a little makes a mickle.

It is never too late to start caring for your environment today.

Video: Man-Powered Ferris Wheel

In a country where electricity is inconsistent, carnival operators in India has found an alternative way of operating their ferris wheel.

This method requires no electricity nor generator but the physical power of the carnival workers who peddle along the inner bars of the Ferris Wheel (think of the hamster wheel) or propels it forward with their sheer body weight.

There is no safety harness nor protection gear of any form to safeguard them. 

It certainly would not comply with any safety guidelines by today's standards and you cannot help but worry about the workers and joyriders' safety.

Despite that, I still think it is an ingenious way of cutting carbon footprint - just imagine how much power would be saved if the Singapore Flyer does not run on electricity?







视频: 容祖儿 - 世上只有


