Officially opened on 27 June 1973, the Singapore Zoo is undisputedly one of the finest zoo around the region.
A distinct feature of the zoo is its open-concept where animals roam freely in the open. Take the Orangutans for example, visitors could observe them in close proximity among the trees via the elevated boardwalk which offers a spectacular 360
° aerial view of the surroundings.
Unlike some zoos that keep their animals in concrete cells, the animals' quarters here are landscaped as closely to their natural
habitat as possible so they are simulated to put on their
natural behaviour as they would in the wild and with some luck, they might just start breeding!
One of the Singapore Zoo's greatest achievement is its successful breeding program for some of their endangered animals. To date, they have bred 40 Orangutans, 13 White Rhinos, 3 Sun Bears, and even a Polar Bear. It is heartening to know that the zoo's efforts towards conservation and preserving wildlife is taking off!