When I was at Redhill Market & Food Centre recently, I noticed quite a queue at Khoon Kee Tasty Prawn Mee. I went home, did a little read up on them and decided to return to give them a try.
There is no queue in front of the stall on my return trip and I was able to place my order immediately.
I had read a couple of reviews that do not recommend the pork ribs so I decided to take heed and order the soup version with only prawns.
One can truly tell the passion the chef had for his craft. Just see how he arranges the prawns in the bowl and the fact that they are only cooked upon order and not in advance.

My $5 bowl of prawn noodle soup came with three decent sized prawn, kang kong and bean sprouts.
Take note that they do not serve pork slices nor fish cakes.
The broth seems light but it is imbued with enough crustacean flavors to please yet does not overwhelm.

The stall helper proclaims that they uses sea prawns which are better in quality thus more expensive than the farmed variety. Indeed, they are crunchy, sweet and succulent.
I like that the prawns are not halved so I could enjoy the texture as the meat give way to my bite. I also appreciate that the shell have been removed except for the head and tail.

The softness of the noodles is complemented by the kang kong and bean sprouts. Together with the prawns and excellent broth, makes this a likable bowl of prawn noodle.

Redhill Market & Food Centre
85 Redhill Lane
85 Redhill Lane
Singapore 150085
Business Hours
Thu - Mon: 8am - 1pm
Wed: 8am - 7pm
Closed: Tue
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/SZiRw8K8YZN8DX2D8
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