I came across Lin Ji Pig Leg Rice (林記猪脚饭) when they first opened at Albert Centre Market & Food Centre. I remember being captivated by the beautifully braised pig legs displayed inside the window.
When I saw customers carrying away their bowls of pig leg rice with Bai Nian Niang Dou Fu (百年酿豆腐) signature white trays, I realized Lin Ji is by the same people behind the yong tau foo stall which had a outlet at the same food centre as well.
Reasonably priced at $4.90 then, I was eager to have a bowl however, the intimidating queue meant that I can only come back for it another time.
Regrettably four years on, I have yet to try Lin Ji. It was not until recently that I notice a new pig leg rice stall at Senja Hawker Centre with a similar signboard as Lin Ji but bearing the name Shi Nian (石年) instead.
I was contemplating whether to give Shi Nian a try because I thought they are a competitor riding on Lin Ji's fame but as it turns out, it is simply a case of rebranding. The former Lin Ji that I know and Shi Nian are one and the same. I hope.

With that doubt out of the way, I caved in with no holdback and ordered a bowl of pig leg rice (猪脚饭). The price has increased by a dollar to $5.90 now.
My bowl consists of a portion of deboned meat from the pig's leg, salted vegetables, and a slice of prawn cake garnished with coriander atop a mound of fluffy rice drizzled in a delicious braise sauce.

The collagen-rich pig's skin is gelatinous-ly soft while the lean meat succulent. They pride themselves on their light, yet flavorful braise made without salt, dark sauce, rock sugar, and MSG; a recipe which they procure from a master at Longjiang Town, China.
If you prefer a fattier cut, do opt for the pig trotters rice (猪蹄饭) instead.
The salted vegetables were not overwhelmingly salty or sour that it steals the limelight.
As for the prawn cake, it has a good bouncy texture but in all honesty, I thought I was having fish cake till I check the menu and realize what it is.

The coriander functions more than just a pretty garnish in the bowl. It actually helps to cut through any jelakness.
The saucer of house-made chili reminded me of the ABC brand of bottled chili sauce from the supermarkets. It provided some kick although I find it a distraction from the braise which is the star here.

Senja Hawker Centre
2 Senja Close
2 Senja Close
Singapore 677632
Business Hours
Mon - Sun: 10.30am - 9pm
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