I stay a couple of bus stops away from Meng Soon Huat Food Centre but I have no idea that there is actually a economical bee hoon stall at this coffee shop.
To begin with, this nameless stall does not have a signboard and it operates out of a rojak stall (there is a A4-sized paper on the glass printed with the word rojak in Chinese). All evidence that leads to the existence of a economical bee hoon stall is wiped out the moment they pack up for the day.
And the most crucial part is, they begin business daily (except Mondays) at the ungodly hour of 4.30am till 9am.
So you see, I have a legit explanation for not knowing. I only found out about this by chance when I Googled the coffee shop 'for fun'.
The coffee shop is located at Blk 359 Bukit Batok Street 31 - a stone's throw away from Bukit Gombak MRT Station.

The stall is situated right by the smoking corner of the coffee shop. When I arrived at about 6.30am, I was astounded by the number of people puffing away so early in the morning.
Customers queuing for the bee hoon would be forced to inhale second-hand smoke.
Thankfully, there is no queue so I was able to quickly place my order for a plate of char bee hoon with a fried chicken wing and a fried fish fillet for $3.
I grabbed my food and fled to the other end of the coffee shop where the air is fresher.

I like my char bee hoon moist, soft and not too oily. This one ticks all the boxes for me.
The style of this bee hoon reminded me of the one from my primary school tuckshop at Jalan Lempeng which I missed dearly. Do you believe that I actually went to school early just so I could have the bee hoon for breakfast everyday?
Sadly, my school is no longer around so, no chance of having it ever again.
Anyway, I digress. I feel they could be more generous with the portion of the bee hoon however, as I had just woken up, I have not much appetite yet.
The stall offers various options of side dishes but they are all deep fried items. I did not see any vegetables such as cabbage or tau kok (long bean) available.
The chicken wing is a crowd favorite and I can see why. It come with just a thin, crisp layer of skin and beyond that is tender flesh oozing with juices. I heard they usually run out of chicken wings by 7.30am.
Will I return for this? I would love to provided I have no separation anxiety from my bed that day.
Meng Soon Huat Food Centre
Blk 359 Bukit Batok Street 31
Blk 359 Bukit Batok Street 31
Singapore 650359
Business Hours
Business Hours
Tue - Sun: 4.30am till sold out
Closed: Mon
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/95LhuTrfy2JX49Ua8
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