Poh Cheu is renowned for their ang ku kueh which come in twelve different flavors: black sesame, coffee, coconut, durian, green bean, green tea, mango, peanut, pineapple, red bean, salted bean and yam.
I am honestly quite intrigued by the bold flavors they have come up with for this traditional pastry. What's admirable is that everything from the filling to the skin, is entirely handmade. They have a group of ladies working in the kitchen, kneading and rolling out these babies for us.
I have long heard about Poh Cheu's ang ku kueh and I am glad I finally had the chance to give them a try.
I have long heard about Poh Cheu's ang ku kueh and I am glad I finally had the chance to give them a try.

The flavors I picked included durian, black sesame, green tea, pineapple and coffee. The round and plump ang ku kueh felt unusually heavy in my hand due to the generous filling inside. With such pretty colors and adorable appearance, it can instantly improve one's mood when presented with a box like this.

I thought that the filling of the durian-flavored ang ku kueh would be durian pulp but it looked suspiciously like green bean infused with durian essence instead. Nevertheless, it won our nods of approval while the pineapple one unanimously got the thumbs down for its overwhelming sweetness.
While we appreciate the generosity of the filling, too much of it proved a little jelak particularly the coffee, green tea and black sesame whose fillings come in a smooth and thick consistency.
Rather than the flavors, what blew us away was the chewy texture of the glutinous rice flour skin which is almost like mochi! It is by far the softest and most QQ ang ku kueh I had ever handled. It is extremely bouncy to the touch and does not stick to the teeth. I feel like I am in ang ku kueh heaven.
Apart from ang ku kueh, Poh Cheu is popular for their soon kueh as well. They also have abacus seeds and png kueh (rice kueh) which are all freshly made daily. I would say the kueh offerings here are worth queuing up for.
While we appreciate the generosity of the filling, too much of it proved a little jelak particularly the coffee, green tea and black sesame whose fillings come in a smooth and thick consistency.
Rather than the flavors, what blew us away was the chewy texture of the glutinous rice flour skin which is almost like mochi! It is by far the softest and most QQ ang ku kueh I had ever handled. It is extremely bouncy to the touch and does not stick to the teeth. I feel like I am in ang ku kueh heaven.
Apart from ang ku kueh, Poh Cheu is popular for their soon kueh as well. They also have abacus seeds and png kueh (rice kueh) which are all freshly made daily. I would say the kueh offerings here are worth queuing up for.

KPT Coffee Shop
Blk 127 Bukit Merah Lane 1
Singapore 150127
Business Hours
Mon - Sat: 8am - 6pm
Closed: Sun
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/a7c23kP4TWfxNkKRA
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