Mee Soto has got to be one of my most favorite Malay food. I will always order it as my first choice without hesitation whenever I come to a Malay stall.
When I decided to check out Haig Road Market & Food Centre, I knew there is a good chance of having my favorite Malay noodle soup since there are plenty of Malay stalls in the food centre.
The question is which stall?
After some googling, I found out that HJ Waliti HJ Mazuki is the one to go to.
I placed an order with the makcik inside the stall. A bowl costs $3 and I added a bergedil for 50¢ more. There is no customer before me so I got my food pretty fast. I helped myself to the kicap cili placed outside the stall and found myself a seat.

Unfortunately, when I tried to pick up the bergedil with my spoon for a photo, it fell apart.
That is when I realized the bergedil is totally wet and crumbly as it has soaked up the broth way too fast. With all my previous mee sotos, I had never encounter this situation before. The bergedil will just be wet at the bottom but never completely soggy.
Because of this reason, I could not actually taste the flavor or feel the texture of the bergedil.
That is when I realized the bergedil is totally wet and crumbly as it has soaked up the broth way too fast. With all my previous mee sotos, I had never encounter this situation before. The bergedil will just be wet at the bottom but never completely soggy.
Because of this reason, I could not actually taste the flavor or feel the texture of the bergedil.

As I gave the noodle a stir to mix the kicap chili with the broth, I am surprised to see a boiled chicken wing underneath. Wow! $3 for noodle, chicken shreds and a chicken wing is not bad!
My usual mee soto already costs $3.50 for just noodle and chicken shreds!
Strangely, I cannot feel the kick from the kicap cili even though I have added two scoops to my bowl.

I had a sip of the broth and it is brimming with great flavors from the myriad of spices used. It really go so well with the yellow noodle and crunchy tau geh (bean sprouts).
I like this bowl of mee soto for its robust flavors and not forgetting the generous serving of noodle and ingredients at a affordable price.
I like this bowl of mee soto for its robust flavors and not forgetting the generous serving of noodle and ingredients at a affordable price.

Haig Road Market & Food Centre
14 Haig Road
14 Haig Road
Singapore 199583
Business Hours
Mon - Sun: 6am - 7pm
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/F5MvJgDGMx72
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