Just before I went for my ICT two weeks ago, I made some corner bookmarks for a book lover friend of mine. These bookmarks are inexpensive and easy to make so even if you lose them, they are easily replaceable.
I have long wanted to write up this post when I found out this ingenious way of making bookmarks but have been procrastinating like forever.
If you love reading or know someone who does, perhaps you can try your hand at making your own bookmarks?
If you love reading or know someone who does, perhaps you can try your hand at making your own bookmarks?

Step 1: Draw three connecting squares on your craft paper as above. My squares are 5cm. Feel free to experiment with the length according to the size of your book. The shaded areas are unwanted.

Step 2: Fold the left flap up along the pencil line. Apply glue on top. Now, fold the right flap over it.

Step 3: You should end up with the shape above and we have completed the corner bookmark already. Yes, it's that easy.

The pocket is where the page of your book goes in. See example below.

I also made a couple of origami heart shape corner bookmark. This is a little more challenging but still doable.

For the heart shape corner bookmark tutorial, please refer to this youtube video.

If you are hopeless with origami, you can simply snip off the corners from old envelopes.

You get four bookmarks out of one envelope.

Isn't it neat?

Actually, old ang pows also can lah. They are more colorful than white envelopes.