Showing posts with label qian hu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label qian hu. Show all posts

Review: Nano Space 2 From Ocean Free

I have been using the Nano Space 2 from OF (Ocean Free) for about two weeks now and it is time for me to share my thoughts on this nano tank.

I must say that I really like the simplicity and overall look of the nano tank. With the built-in filter, there is no need for a filter to take up extra space within the tank. The pump is really quiet and the strength of the flow is adjustable. A plus point is that this tank consumes very little power and water change is a breeze with a siphon.

Unboxing: Nano Space 2 From Ocean Free

aquarium, guppy tank, nano, nano space, nano tank, ocean free, qian hu, qianhu, unboxing

While visiting Qianhu Fish Farm a week ago, I bought this Nano Space 2 fish tank from OF (Ocean Free) which is one of Qianhu's many own in-house brand. I have been eyeing this range of nano tanks displayed at their retail store for quite a while now but have been indecisive due to the pricing. 

Initially, I was looking at the 16 litres tank priced at $98 but after much consideration, I decided to get the slightly bigger 24 litres tank for $10 more.

Review: Hydra Nano Plus From Ocean Free

aquarium, aquatic depurator, filter, guppy, guppy tank, hydra, hydra nano plus, nano plus, ocean free, personal, qian hu, qianhu, surface skimmer, singapore,fish farm

Thanks to Qian Hu Fish Farm, I received a Hydra Nano Plus and a hundred dollars worth of accessories vouchers from their FB contest. I collected my prize from the farm two weeks ago and was able to test out the very versatile Hydra Nano Plus.

Science Centre Singapore - Hall G

Hall G

Hall G is located on the second level above the Atrium. You can take the lift or stairs at the entrance before entering the Atrium.

The exhibits in this hall are:
  • Invent!
  • Quirky
  • Singapore Innovation


inventions, science, science centre, science centre singapore,singapore science centre, singapore,invent, where to go in singapore

School's Out! Holidays In! Where To Bring Your Kids This School Holiday?

fish farm, flowerhorn, jalan lekar, luohan fish, qianhu, sungei tengah, 仟湖, 仟湖鱼场, qian hu, where to go in singapore, singapore

My apologies for the lack of updates as I was away for two weeks ICT. Although it's stay out all the way, I would flop into bed the moment I reached home every night because no one can shag me out like SAF can.

After ICT ended, the first thing I did was to visit Qianhu Fish Farm. Actually, I was there to get  a overhead filter as the current internal filter is not efficient for the bioload

I'm keeping Lionhead Goldfish at the moment and you know how messy goldfishes are. I had to get my hands wet every few days to strip down the filter and to wash out the gunk so I figure a overhead filter is much easier for maintenance.

Anyway, another reason I was there is to take a look at the Ranchus as I am smitten with them lately.