I must really apologize for the lack of updates.
The first half of 2015 has just gone in a flash. A lot has happened during the last six months and my mind have been bogged down by family matters. All is fine for now and I hope it stays that way.
Last month, my folks and I brought forward our yearly retreat to Hatyai (we usually go during year end) and we took the opportunity to recharge and re-energize. Hopefully, we did not bring the negative vibes back with us.
I think Hatyai has been blogged to death by me so I shall consolidate the entire five days into one single post and not go into the details. Since it is simply a staycation, we spend most of our time sleeping/watching TV in the hotel when we are not out looking for food.
Now if you would fasten your seatbelt, our journey shall begin in just a minute.