Update: Xin Long Fish Soup has permanently closed.
After my dental appointment today, I chanced upon this Xin Long Fish Soup stall located inside the Kopitiam Foodcourt on the third floor of Jurong Point Shopping Centre.
Fish soup is one of my favorite comfort food so I decided to order a bowl for lunch. (yes, I ate twenty minutes after my tooth extraction!)
When it comes to fish soup, I prefer to have it with fried fish and thick bee hoon (rice vermicelli) rather than with sliced fish and rice. I can have a hearty bowl of fish soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner consecutively without getting sick of it.
When it comes to fish soup, I prefer to have it with fried fish and thick bee hoon (rice vermicelli) rather than with sliced fish and rice. I can have a hearty bowl of fish soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner consecutively without getting sick of it.

My bowl of fried fish bee hoon contains fried fish, thick bee hoon, chye sim, seaweed and condiments like fried shallots and spring onions.
It is a very basic bowl of fish soup but this is how I like it without all the unnecessary ingredients like tomato, fish cake, tofu, bitter gourd, prawns, lettuce, etc as any 'extra' stuff will just affect the overall taste.
The soup is very flavorful and creamy due to the added milk. I had to restrain myself from polishing off the entire bowl of soup! I had a bit of trouble with the chye sim though, as I had just removed a decaying molar.

I find the chunky fried fish very addictive but my mouth is still sore from the dental appointment so I had to chew in small bites. Nevertheless, the savory fish is so yummy and such a joy to eat.

I like thick bee hoon due to it's smooth texture and because it is so good for slurping!
My bowl of fried fish soup cost $5, same as a bowl of slice fish soup. If you want both fried and slice fish, it is available at $6. The price does seem a little pricey but the portion is actually quite generous and satisfying.

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