The Atrium is where you catch the Tesla Coil Demonstration which is a live demo of high voltage electricity. Expect loud buzzing sounds and electrifying sparks!
The 10 minutes demonstration is on at 12pm from Monday to Sunday with additional 5pm shows during the weekends, school and public holidays.
The 10 minutes demonstration is on at 12pm from Monday to Sunday with additional 5pm shows during the weekends, school and public holidays.
Apart from the Tesla Coil Show, there are a few exhibits here including the tornado, vortex, cloud ring, ice bodies, etc...
The Atrium is the link to the rest of the other halls which I will bring to you in the next few posts. 'Like' my Facebook page to receive my updates!
15 Science Centre Road
Singapore 609081
Telephone: 6425 2500
GPS Coordinates: 1.3329,103.7361
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/CRYaGxq8nt12
twitter: dead_cockroach
instagram: thedeadcockroach
fb page: the dead cockroach