Showing posts with label 电影. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 电影. Show all posts

Movie: Rigor Mortis 《僵尸》 2013

I know it is a little late to do a review for this movie now since it was released in the theaters last November but I only got round to watching it a few days ago.

The film began with Auntie Mui (Nina Paw Hee-Ching/鲍起静) lying in a pool of blood and the camera pans to the injured Yau (Anthony Chan/陈友) leaning against a crumbling wall.

Nearby, the dying Chin (钱小豪) flips to his back weakly, stares into the sky and his flashback begins.

Chin - the protagonist of the movie - plays himself, a has-been movie actor moving into a very old apartment apparently to end his life.

With a rope round his neck, he listens to the voice mails left by his beloved son and reminisce about life with his wife and son during happier times.

There is no mention of what happened to his family but in his flashback, they were seen walking away from him with their eyes turning white which I interpret as they are dead?

He finally kicked away the stool he was standing on.


影 片 名:《总铺师:移动大厨》
英 文 名:Zone Pro Site: The Moveable Feast
类别 :喜剧/励志/爱情/亲情
导 演:陈玉勋
主要演员:林美秀 杨佑宁 夏于乔









小朋友都是很胆小的嘛!我想人就是这样 - 越怕就越要看!


Video: Nasi Lemak 2.0 - Curry Neh!

Cast: Namewee, Karen Kong, Adibah Noor, Dato David Arumugam, Afdlin Shauki, Kenny & Chee
Director: Namewee 黃明志
Genre: Comedy
Language: Mandarin, English, Malay, Tamil
Release Date: 08 September 2011 (Malaysia)
Website: link
Facebook: link

I have been seeing my Malaysian blogger friends talking about this movie on Twitter for the last few weeks but it did not arouse too much a interest in me.

However, that was before I watched the Curry Neh! 咖哩咧! MV on Facebook yesterday.

The Bollywood-styled MV got me sitting up and yeah, the movie has gotten my attention now.

电影: 《撞鬼》 (TWISTED)

影 片 名:《撞鬼》
英 文 名:Twisted
类别 :恐怖/喜剧
导 演:蔡于位
主要演员:李国煌 朱咪咪 廖语晴 苏智诚 陈来翔 林冰冰 梁祖仪 赖力豪 李美玲
本地发行商:Shaw Organisation Clover Films


电影: 《岁月神偷》 Echoes Of The Rainbow

昨晚看MIO TV (付费电视) 时,无意间转到第五十频道正播放着《岁月神偷》。

原本以为是部有关小偷的故事因此没多大兴趣。但,因为有我所欣赏的演员 - 吴君如与任达华两人主演,所以决定继续看下去。

故事是由罗家次子罗进二  (钟绍图 饰) 的角度回顾了六,七十年代的香港。


罗爸爸 (任达华 饰) 是个造鞋铺的老板。妻子,罗太太 (吴君如 饰) 则是贤内助。

长子罗进一 (李治廷 饰) 长得帅气,品学兼优,又是运动健将。看似有美好的将来,却不幸的患了癌症入院。他与富家女Flora (蔡颖恩 饰) 的纯纯之恋尚未开花结果就夭折了。

弟弟进二则是哥哥的相反: 他喜欢在街上游荡,顺手牵羊,上课不专心,被老师罚站,倒数更是家常便饭!