The film began with Auntie Mui (Nina Paw Hee-Ching/鲍起静) lying in a pool of blood and the camera pans to the injured Yau (Anthony Chan/陈友) leaning against a crumbling wall.
Nearby, the dying Chin (钱小豪) flips to his back weakly, stares into the sky and his flashback begins.
Chin - the protagonist of the movie - plays himself, a has-been movie actor moving into a very old apartment apparently to end his life.
With a rope round his neck, he listens to the voice mails left by his beloved son and reminisce about life with his wife and son during happier times.
There is no mention of what happened to his family but in his flashback, they were seen walking away from him with their eyes turning white which I interpret as they are dead?
He finally kicked away the stool he was standing on.